If we are comparing recollections from all those years ago, mine is also
that while the original film was marked Episode VI, the "a new hope" was
added later.
I also recall that at the time of the release of the first film, it was said
by way of explanation that the full story would be told in nine films,
organized into three trilogies.
According to wikipedia the plan for a 'sequel trilogy' is now denied by the
powers that be. We'll see.
On 29-07-11 4:26 , "Martin Hogg" <mhogg@staffmail.ed.ac.uk> wrote:
> I think Andrew's recollection of the original title is correct: the film was
> released in 1977 simply as "Star Wars" (as its entry in the Internet Movie
> Database relates:
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0076759/ ), albeit that the
> 'trademark' (I do not use that in a strict IP sense) scrolling introductory
> titles were headed up "Episode IV: A New Hope".
> The photograph of the stormtrooper's helmet in court is splendid, Andrew,
> thanks for that. Did you try it on? A pity that they didn't have a fully
> uniformed stormtrooper on hand in court to model it (that would have
> appealed to the 7 year old in me!).
> Martin
> Dr Martin A Hogg, LLB, LLM, PhD, FRSA
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